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Imagine Another World

I welcome you to join me in the worlds I create through my stories.

I hold my hand out to you.
Will you take it?

Fantasy World Vector Art Reaching for the Stars

What does “imagine another world” mean?
It means imagine a world or life different from your own.
Step into it and forget the troubles of your world.

A.Q.Miren, Author the
"Astral Queen"

A.Q. Miren, Fantasty Author Logo

A.Q.Miren (pronounced A-Q-Mee-ren)

creates the worlds that she thinks would have unique reactions, create the most relatable but interesting characters. She recreate emotional connections with the characters and with her readers. Every character holds some piece of her from the goddess down to her own characters, nature and gemstones and all things in between.

A.Q. Miren, Fantasty Author Logo

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